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Engaging the Cruising Community as Island Guardians

Become an Island Guardian

The Island Guardians program aims to mobilise the cruising community to actively participate in the preservation of the Great Barrier Reef’s islands, spanning 2,600 kilometers and encompassing 900 islands.

This initiative leverages the growing number of recreational cruisers visiting the Reef annually by providing them with the tools and knowledge to contribute directly to island clean-up efforts. Ocean Crusaders will empower cruisers to become guardians of the Reef, ensuring its long-term health and sustainability.

Clean Up Kits

Collect yours today

We’re looking to distribute bags and gloves through marinas and clubs throughout Queensland. When you come ashore, collect yours and when at the islands, use them to clean when you feel like it.

Collect bags & gloves from marina/club

Clean Island when you feel like it.

Take a photo of you and your haul and send to OC

Return your debris to shore or let us know where it is

Join a growing community taking action

Don’t forget to let your friends know via social media

Get involved

LESS Talk, more action

This is a program we need right throughout the reef as the islands are covered in way too much debris. To get it off the ground we need:

Funding/sponsors to buy the kits and create displays at marinas

Build the onine platform for reporting

Let the cruising community know it exists through boat shows and media articles

Sponsor the cleaning kits

Want your business name on every bag involved in this campaign?