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Dedicated Hardcore Clean Ups

cleaning on a commercial scale

Whilst cruisers will frequent perfect anchorages, a lot of debris is in hard to access locations, like windward shores. In order to remove this debris we will run dedicated clean up trips, funded by corporations and remove massive volumes of debris

Use of mothership to accommodate a team of 15

Clean a different beach daily

Shred debris to make it smaller for storage aboard


Funded by large corporations, we will head out for 5-7 day trips to islands and atolls within the Great Barrier Reef that need cleaning.

Bring your corporate team

Volunteer weeks too!

Typical OC Hard Yakka, rewarding but tiring

All food and accommodation on mothership

Making a huge impact in a short time frame.


We’ve seen the issue first hand. The islands are in terrible condition and it’s Australia’s trash. In order to make this vision a reality, we need the mothership and then ongoing funding.

Have your name on the mothership

Fund a week long clean up with your team or volunteers

The biggest ongoing clean up of the world heritage reef

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