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Marine Debris levels in our oceans are increasing rapidly and the only real way to effectively stop it is to collect it before it gets out there.  Hence we have developed a 24/7 collection device for Australian rivers that not only collects the debris, it lifts it out of the water and places it in a skip bin ready for removal.

Our first Automatic River Cleaner (ARC) has been undergoing trials for the past 6 months in Brisbane River where it is protecting Moreton Bay.  The results are stunning.  The device uses both hydro and solar power to turn a conveyor belt that will lift the debris up out of the water and place it into a skip bin ready for removal.

As the tide runs out, the wheel will free flow and that drives the conveyor belt.  That is assisted by a water pump to keep the wheel turning even if there is no tide and there is a switching system that will turn the pump off when the tide is incoming (no debris in the boom)

The biggest advantage of this device is that in times of rainfall events, the river runs faster and with more debris.  As the river runs faster, the conveyor will also run faster and collect debris quicker.  Our long term vision is to have two models available.  We will have this version with a skip bin that will need to be serviced from land, whilst the alternative version will see a second conveyor pump the debris into a skip bin on land.  Both versions will feature a 1500mm wide belt.

Our model is simple, units are funded either through government or corporate programs.  The ability to run advertising on the units makes it a great way for a corporation to contribute to the environment and gain exposure on major rivers for doing so.  The units can either be maintained by Ocean Crusaders or other entities, we are not precious about this.  We just want to see the units working to reduce the amount of debris in the waterways.  

If you feel your local river could do with one of these devices, get your local government to contact us either by email info@oceancrusaders.org or phone 0447 TURTLE (887 853)

This first prototype has been funded through grants from IFM Investors and Suez with assistance from the Port or Brisbane.  Scallywag Fabrications and Matt Pilecki completed the welding work.  Engineering was completed by RDT Engineering Brisbane.  We’d also like to thank our other suppliers Baintech Technology, Solar Farmers, SEQ Electronics, Universal Bearings, Searle Engineering, Ronson Gears, RydellBeltech, Rock Press and Dotmar for providing products at discounted rates to allow us to complete this proto-type.