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USA Lessons program growing rapidly

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1382404_10152059356631824_1368878855_nIt is very rare that Ocean Crusaders receives financial support, however earlier this year, Californian sailor Sean Manchester sailed a leg in the Clipper Round the World Race on board Henri Lloyd (overall winning team of this edition).   He did this to raise funds and was on a mission to raise $1 per mile (5,100nm) to help Ocean Crusaders in their mission to educate youth of the issues our oceans are facing.  He successfully achieved his fundraising goals and even better, they won their leg.

1536723_10152044639696824_1022508427_nUsing the funds raised by Sean, we have managed to market to the North American schools more than ever before and the success is showing with downloads of our USA lesson plans reaching record numbers.  So far this year we have had 2,212 downloads in the USA and another 758 in Canada.

Whilst these numbers are growing, we need your help to spread the word.  The best advertising is word of mouth as it is free.  Tell teachers, parents and other children to visit our website and download the free lessons.  There are lessons on turtles, sharks, whales and more, all set up for primary school (ages 5-13).  There are also over 20 games, puzzles and coloring activities that are free to download to entertain the kids during the holidays.

If we educate, then we can prevent the issues we are having.  We all know Prevention is better than a Cure, and is a lot cheaper for everyone.

So a special thanks to Sean and his amazing supporters.  Thousands of students have now learnt about looking after our oceans and the creatures in it courtesy of your efforts, and this will continue over the years as teachers who now know about the resource continue to use it and tell others.