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Education Program

IMG_4511The key to our campaign is to educate people of the issues our oceans are facing. We have developed a program to run in primary schools to teach students about these issues and to also teach them about creatures in the ocean and how they are affected.

Run through downloadable presentations available from this site, teachers and students will be able to discuss topics such as the North Pacific Garbage Patch (5 Gyres), dolphins, sharks, turtles and more.

Each lesson consists of information on the topic with some including videos and worksheets for the students to work through.  Several of the lessons focus on what students can do in their lives to help the situation.

In a recent review of their year, students at Poynter Primary School in Western Australia rated the Ocean Crusaders program as the most enjoyable of the year.

This is feedback from another school:

Dear Ian Thomson, just wanted to let you know that I have carried out the first 2 lessons of your programme with my Year 5-6 class here at Cooinda Primary School, Bunbury, WA. My students and I are finding the information quite astounding. It has been received very well so far. I will definitely carry on with the other lessons. Thank you so much for all your effort and passion. Ellie Jones

Click on your country below to go to your lessons.

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If your country is missing and you’re willing to help us translate, please contact us.

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