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Educational lesson program growing once again

Our primary focus at Ocean Crusaders is our online educational program.  This program is produced for teachers of junior/primary schools to present to their students.  We are constantly trying to grow the campaign but we need your help.

Lesson 1Whilst Australia and NZ are once again showing fantastic growth with numbers up on last year already and only 3 months into the year, our growth into the rest of the world needs help.

Whilst we already have lessons for USA, Canada, Belize, UK and South Africa, we are now seeking people to translate our lessons into French, Spanish, Italian, German, Japanese, Chinese and every other language there is on our planet.  If you can help then please contact us.

In addition, we are looking for more ambassadors, speakers and promoters in all countries so if you can help, then also drop us a line.

If you get a chance to promote our campaign, tell your friends and family, then please do.  Every bit helps.  Make sure you like us on Facebook as that is how we get a lot of our messages out.