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Independent report into Gladstone reveals issues!

Until recently, all reports into the Gladstone Harbor issues that are seeing countless marine animals dying and suffering from illness, have been conducted by the people causing the issue or the people approving the work, i.e the Queensland Government.  So what happens when an independent report is released?

Well let’s just say that the government have tried to stop this report from getting out but here it is in full.

The report was conducted by Dr Matt Landos BVSc(HonsI)MACVS who is the Director at Future Fisheries Veterinary Service Pty Ltd.  His report shows many pictures of animals with lesions, shows graphs with the disturbing increase in marine life fatalities, and overall put the whole project into question.

It seems the Queensland and Australian government are hoping to keep Australia afloat through the GFC through these projects however at what cost to our future.  Eventually the fossil fuels will dry up and then we will be back to relying on tourism of the World Heritage listed Great Barrier Reef.  But will it exist?  Will it still be ‘Great’ or will it crumble and be an eyesore that no one wants to see.

Either way, too many turtles, dolphins, dugongs, sharks and fish are all dying and there is one big change to the local area and that is the dredging.  Surely the world can see this but can it stop or is to too far committed.  I guess only time will tell.

To read the full report from Matt please download the PFD here.