Too many people in today’s day and age are talkers and not doers. Ian proved by sailing around Australia and smashing the solo world record that he is a doer. Many people believed he wouldn’t do it but he proved them wrong. He takes this same attitude into this crusade.
Prevention is better than a cure and we endeavour to educate as many people as possible of the damage we are doing to our oceans so they will stop it. We want to save our seas so we have many programs running to either educate, clean or save our oceans.
Below are the current activities and we require funding to keep doing these activities so if you can help, please get in touch with us ASAP. We also require volunteers.
Online Education Program
We have an interactive education program up and running where schools can log into our site and participate in lessons. Students will learn what animals live in the water and the threats to those animals. This will be our biggest mission yet however the education of school students is paramount to our campaign. We must succeed and we will succeed.
School Talks
One of our favorite things to do is speak with the next generation to make them aware. As young minds who have the future to look forward to, they soak it up and are so passionate that we leave the talks fired up.
Paddle Against Plastic Campaign
Our mission with our Paddle Against Plastic campaign is to encourage people to collect debris whilst out paddling, to change their habits when it comes to the purchase of plastics and to have a great time doing all of the above.
Beach Clean Ups
Removing debris from the environment is an important factor. Whilst prevention is better than a cure, we still find far too much debris out on beaches so we actively organise events for the public to join us to go out and help us clean the beaches and surrounding areas.
Waterway Cleaning
Getting out on the water and cleaning up is another vital part we play in keeping our oceans and waterways safe. Through sponsorships and council contracts we regularly take our boat out and pull debris from the waterways and the embankments.