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Surf Sock support our cause

It’s the little things that will make a huge difference.  Well that’s what I think of regularly and when it comes to Surf Sock, well I reckon they just might have the same motto.

For years surfers all over the globe have been using plastic bags to help them get into their wetsuits.  With a plastic bag ban slowly being implemented across the globe, and the surfing industry becoming very conscious of the plastic issue in our oceans, finding alternatives is paramount.  So two ladies who’s kids and friends had been using plastic bags came up with a concept called the surf sock.  No you don’t go wearing a pair of socks, this is a simple system to help you into your wetsuit and then it acts as a nice little bag to store your keys and wallet etc.

Using recycled spinnaker cloth from a local sailmaker (all material was bound for landfill) the ladies now produce what is a simple idea but will make a big difference.  The socks simply slide onto your feet before you put your wetsuit on and then you pull them off with the tab, put it on the next limb and repeat.

A simply brilliant way to decrease the reliance on plastic bags and a great use of sail material that was bound for landfill, never having been used.  They come in a range of colors and are available from www.Surfsock.com.au

Surf Sock have supported our cause with a donation of 4 Surf Socks to be given away at the Currimundi Lake Community Clean Up on the 19th November.