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Update on plastic bans across the world.

The world is changing it’s habits.
Los Angeles, California, USA bans plastic bags + implements 10-cent fee on paper bags.
Hawaii becomes the only US state with a statewide ban on plastic bags, after Honolulu became the last county to pass an ordinance earlier this month banning plastic bags.
Mendocino County, California, USA bans plastic bags + implements 10-cent fee on paper bags.
Solana Beach, California, USA bans plastic bags.
Watsonville, California, USA bans plastic bags.
Sea World theme parks are phasing out use of plastic bags. (They still keep dolphins and whales in captivity so please don’t support them.)
Concord, Massachusetts, USA bans plastic water bottles.
Davao City, Philippines bans plastic bags + polystyrene food containers.
Srirangam and Samayapuramm, India bans plastic bags.
Mahabaleshwar, India bans plastic bags
Courtesy of Plastic Pollution Coalition.